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Amazon College Essentials - Everything you will need for college and your dorm room

Hey Friend!

Are you going off to college in the fall? Taylor and I are too! We just posted a video on our vlog channel Coffee Girls about our Amazon College Essentials! We also have an amazon store with all our college essentials on it. We hope this video helps you get all your last minute college items together - and most importantly we hope and pray you have a great college experience and come to know Jesus in a whole new and amazing way as you take new steps into adult-ing.

Typically college can be a time of turing away from values and figuring out who you are apart from your home life. I want to encourage you to remember that the only thing worth pursuing whole-heartedly is Jesus. He is the only one who will ever be able to fully satisfy your longing heart. No amount of partying, drugs, sex, friendships, relationships, academics, or a dream career could ever satisfy or fulfill like Jesus can.

Life is about depending on Jesus. Over and over we forget we need Him. We must continually come back to Jesus. Life is about proclaiming how much we need Him.

With that being said, I hope you cling to Jesus during your college years. So many other things will be calling for your attention - but Jesus is far worth having above all those other things.



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