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Ashley's Journal Entry #3 | My prayer during this season of being single.

Hey friends :)

Here is a prayer straight from my journal. Not perfect, but it's real. The heart behind this prayer was to remind myself that I don't want this season of singleness to go to waste. Really though. I want to view this season not as a time of waiting for the right person to come along so I can finally be "complete." That is a lie straight from the pit of hell. I am complete right here, right now. I don't need a man to be whole. I have Jesus Christ. BUT HOLD UP...I am not saying that I don't want to get married or that it's wrong... because trust me, I do! And it's not wrong to want to get married. I would love to get married and have a family. But the person I marry will not complete me - he will complement me. He will not be the one thing that satisfies me. He will make mistakes and let me down - as I will to him. All this to say, I want this season of singleness to be a time of deep fellowship with Jesus. A time where I can focus on him completely (something that I struggle to do daily). I want the longings and desires to push me closer to Jesus. 

For all you single ladies who want to be married, I feel ya. This season is challenging. It's a daily battle to fix your eyes on Jesus. The desires you have are not bad! They are so good and from God! He made us to desire marriage and intimacy. The pain and longing you feel is real. Hear this though: This is a trial that can push you closer to Jesus!Ladies, let this time be a time of flourishing in Christ. Drink deep from Jesus' well of love and grace! Spend time in the word. Memorize scripture. Meditate on God's truths. Pray for extended amounts of time. Deepen your relationships with your sisters in Christ. Get involved in your Church community. Serve, serve, serve. Go on missions trips. Find a younger woman to mentor! Pour into the people God has placed in your life. Most of all, fix your eyes on Jesus. And when your heart is prone to wander, continue to re-focus your gaze on Jesus' all-satisfying love for you. 

Here is my prayer. If you are in the same boat as me, feel free to pray it too :)


Realign my heart and help me keep the first things first. 

This season is not a waiting period. It’s not a time to dwell in sorrow or get lost in “what could be.” I’m no less of a person here than I would be if I was married. In this season, I am completely yours. My heart is yours. My life is yours. My desires are yours. 

And because I am yours and you are mine, I am complete. This season, therefore, is not an empty time of waiting, but it is an opportunity for a full, joy-filled, challenging (but oh so worth it), beautiful season of my life.

This longing in my heart keeps reminding me how much I need you. Just like when I fast from food, the hunger pains remind me that I am a weak human being who is completely dependent on you for everything. God, these longings and desires are showing me that you alone will satisfy this aching heart of mine. Father, teach me this before I get married. Teach me that you alone are enough. Teach me that you satisfy like no one else and nothing else. Teach me that only you are worthy for me to put my hope in. Teach me, God. I want to learn. Thank you for this season. Thank you for the longings in my heart because it keeps drawing me back to your good and faithful heart. 

No. This is not a season of waiting because I already have everything I could ever need. You are more than enough for me Jesus! This is a season of joy-filled dependence on You, and I am so stinkin thankful for this time. "

I hope this encourages you :) 




Need a little extra encouragement? 

Check out these verses, songs, books, sermons, AND OUR VIDEO ON COFFEE AND BIBLE TIME :)


Psalm 73:25-26

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

-Is. 43:2 -Is. 62:1-5 -Psalm 105:3-4 -Psalm 119:36-37 -Psalm 107:9 -Psalm 138:8 -Isaiah 54:1-8 -Psalm 51:10 -Psalm 57:2 -Psalm 12:6-7

-Hebrews 12 -Hebrews 13:5 -Proverbs 4:23 -Deuteronomy 4:5-9



-Easy by Sarah Reeves -Thy Will by Hillary Scott -At Your Feet (Surrender) by Dan Bremnes -God Be by Chris Renzema -In Every Way by Christy Nockels -The Wondrous Cross by Christy Nockels -Father You Are All We Need by Citizens -I Give It All Back by Joel Vaughn -If I Give It All by Will Reagan and United Pursuit -No Turning Back by Sean Feucht -May God Be Everywhere I Go by Mosaic MSC -Splendor of the Son by Mosaic MSC -All the World by North Point InsideOut -I Surrender by All Sons and Daughters -Take Over by Shane and Shane -Undone by Kim Walker-Smith



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Bethsheba Muchiri
Bethsheba Muchiri
Aug 31, 2021

Ashley I want to be your personal friend, like seriously. I mean every word I have written. Your heart for the LORD has just been sparking a wild fire in my heart. Would this be okay with you?


Aug 03, 2020

"I’m no less of a person here than I would be if I was married. In this season, I am completely yours. My heart is yours. My life is yours. My desires are yours. 

And because I am yours and you are mine, I am complete." - Ashley Krause.

This is so powerful, I am definitely going to have this mindset from now on! Thank you, Ashley!

God bless!

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