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How to Apply the Old Testament to Your Life

Who knew applying the Old Testament to our lives today would be so easy? I know I didn't! Ladies, let's no longer get bogged down by the genealogies and battle scenes- God intends for us to get so much more truth out of our quiet time than what we often put in (myself included). Using these 5 steps I broke down for us, we are sure to get more revelation from God in our morning devos than before!

5 Steps to Practically Apply The Old Testament

1.Understand the Context of the Passage

- Who was the audience? What were their circumstances? Often you can find this information at the beginning of the book you are reading in the introduction section (that is, if you have a study Bible). You can also look under the study notes of the specific passage you are reading. It also makes it easier for you to know the context of the passage if you read through the entire book from beginning to end (no skipping around)!

2.Read Through The Passage

- Focus on the literal situation and context. Imagine you are in that time period!

3. Re-read the Passage this Time Focusing On...

a. WhoGod is (i.e. His character)

b. WhatHe commandsof His people

4. Pray that God would reveal new truths to you

- Ask God to bless your time of reading and to softenyour heart. Pray for revelation on your life based off of the solid Biblical truths found in both His character and His commands.


- Remember, if the Spirit is truly leading you to a new revelation, it should alwaysbe consistent with other verses of scripture found in the Bible. If you are unsure about what you are getting out of the passage, phone a friend and get their input! 

Don't feel discouraged if you aren't always getting deep revelations every time you read the Bible, that is normal! But it is very important that we read our Bible every day with the intention of getting the most out of it we can! If you are struggling with applying the Old Testament to your life, I hope this blog post helped you! And don't forget to watch the video that goes along with this on our channel; I share about how I specifically walked through a passage in Exodus 23. 

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Kathryn Crawford
Kathryn Crawford
Jan 23, 2021

Don't forget - to look at how the passage describes God? His character, etc. (I see it in #3. above)

We use God as our plumb-line and point of reference to make an application in our lives.

You are doing an amazing job ladies, with your Coffee and Bible Study information!!!


Jun 27, 2020

this is so amazing and helpfull. thanks god bless!!!


Jun 26, 2020

Thank you for this. I started reading the old testament a month ago i think and i've been struggling to relate it to the present time. Thank you again. God bless!!💙

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