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FREE In-Depth Bible Study Printable on Romans 12:2 #notconformed

Updated: Jun 26, 2021

Hey Friends! 

I'm guessing you clicked on this blog post because you saw the word FREE and PRINTABLE in the same sentence haha!! I know how much you all like free printables AND you also love in-depth Bible studies... so I thought why not combine them together?? :) 

I also wanted to write a blog post on #notconformed. If you follow @coffeeandbibletime on Instagram, then you might know what this hashtag is all about. But if you don't, fear not! I will explain it to you right now! 

#notconformed is a "movement" that Taylor and I started on social media. We started the #notconformed hashtag trend because we started noticing that social media was becoming more and more toxic. In some ways, it was like a never ending black hole of comparison. Everyone posts the best pictures of the best parts of their lives, and we can tend to compare the worst part of our lives to the best part of other peoples lives on social media... which is so not fair to us! Not only that, but social media can easily become a trap to try to win approval of others in this world. As Christians, this should not be our goal at all! We need to be living for the approval of one person, and that is Jesus! God has called us to be different from the world and set apart. He wants us to not be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds! We need to be a light on social media and in every day life. 

Here is what I wrote on my first #notconformed post: 

"So I recently posted a YouTube video about being real on social media. I shared my thoughts on how toxic social media really can be in our lives because everybody shares only the best in there lives. Is anybody else tired of it!!?? Tired of the comparison game? Tired of never feeling good enough? Tired of never feeling like your life is enough?? Yet you always come back. Always take your phone back out. Always click on the app. Always mindlessly scroll. Always feel down from it. And then always repeating it.  I think it’s time to make a change. And in order to make a change you need to be the change. So Tay and I want to weekly post 4 REAL photos (every Wednesday) that portray not just the socially acceptable photos but also the beautiful, real, & genuine moments from everyday life.  We want to show other people that our life is by no means perfect and that it’s okay! We live everyday to the fullest even if we aren’t a size zero or if we aren’t on vacation lol!  It’s time to embrace the laughing photos, the double chin photos, and the photos that you’d only share with your best friend! It’s time to embrace the photos with no filters. With no makeup. It’s time to embrace the photos with natural beauty and love.  #notconformed “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Let’s be the change together!  If you ever post a photo that shows the realness of you or your life then use the hashtag #notconformed ... Tay and I are excited to see some fun photos :)) I spoke truth about this topic in my last YouTube video... I’ll have it linked in my bio if you’d like to watch it!"

I wanted to create a mini in-depth Bible study on the verse that goes along with #notconformed. The verse is ROMANS 12:2 and it is absolutely FANTASTIC!! I hope that you will love it just as much as me and grow in your knowledge and understanding of who God is and who you are as you study this verse deeper!! 

Here is what my in-depth study of Romans 12:2 looks like:

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Apr 07, 2021

cant find the link.

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