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Our Top 10 Bible Study Tools!

Updated: Jun 26, 2021

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Coffee and Bible Time tools for Purchase

Coffee and Bible Time Videos (helpful for Bible Study)

Coffee and Bible Time Podcast

2. Commentaries

3. Study Bibles

4. Timelines

5. Different Translations

  • Our top three:

    • NLV - New Living Translation (best for beginners)

    • NIV - New International Version

    • ESV or NASB - Very literal. Best for in-depth Bible Study.

  • Link to a Bible Study Versions chart

6. Dictionary

7. Cross Referencing

  • Bible Hub- I really enjoy Bible hub for looking up cross - references. Simply look up the verse you are studying and then look to the left of the screen and other Bible verses will be there.

  • Cross-Reference Website

8. Sermons and Videos

  • Desiring God has amazing videos and resources! I go to Desiring God RIGHT AWAY when I need help with a passage.

  • We enjoy watching Ravi Zacharias. Example video here.

  • Other amazing pastors are Francis Chan, David Platt, Rabbi Schneider, David Giese

9. Talk to a mentor or friend

10. Pens and Highlighters

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1 comentario

01 jul 2020

I have the ESV Study Bible and love it! It really helps me to understand and dig deeper

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